New Workshop Registeration

We'd love for you to help us help people

  • Personal
  • Workshop
  • Service
  • Pricing
  • Finish

Personal Information

Let's start by meeting you. Tell us about yourself.
Note*: You must be an owner or verifiable representative of the company

Step 1 - 5

Workshop Information

Now, give us details about your workshop

Step 2 - 5

Get workshop coordinates

Service Infromation

Also, tell us what services you offer

Step 3 - 5


Step 4 - 5

Finally, lets know what it cost a customer to buy your services

enter all prices without VAT or Sales Tax. VAT will be added to your customer purchases automatically


Step 5 - 5



Join us...

"Let's drive together towards a future where car tyre services are easily accessible, reliable and efficient - and which guarantees the safety and satisfaction of car owners everywhere."